
ALT TAB: 49/52

 It seems as if 2012 is just ready to be over because everything seems to be moving double time.  It makes me want to dig my heels in so I can really look at everything closely and enjoy it as it all speeds by.  But maybe that would take the beauty out of it?  Maybe it's the speed of life that makes the color so vibrant?  The time so precious.  The memories so valuable.

I was telling RC1 the other day I wish I was doing a better job at really taking the time to write down the details, not just these snippets of things. Maybe that will be a 2013 resolution. Strike the maybe part. It will be. Speaking of resolutions, I've been thinking about this ALT TAB project that started as a resolution at the beginning of the year and I'm really happy with the way it's evolved. I'm thinking of what direction I can take it next year. 

Highlights from the week: 
The Children's Choir at the Cathedral of the Madeleine
A client invited us to their company party including dinner at the Rice Eccles Tower and a concert at Kingsbury Hall. The best part of the night for me was sitting with RC1 way up in the mezzanine listening to Kat Edmonson. Bought a cd from her after the show and haven't really stopped listening to is since. Seeing the finished result of a project I worked on last year. My client has a great eye for design so it was a great collaborative effort. The custom mantle turned out better than I imagined.
Pulling the showroom together finally after weeks of planning.  We have a giant two day presentation / party next week.  I'll include some photos of the details next week.

“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” 
JK Rowling

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