
ALT TAB: 48/52

 I'm in the middle of a big project with a fast approaching deadline so this will be brief.
My Thanksgiving break was the perfect length.  Not to long, not too short.
I hiked in the snow with a dear friend, Annie, who was visiting from LA.
Tried a new recipe on RC1 and his cousin.
Went on an adventure on Antelope Island
Spent time with RC1's family and won the who can eat the most dinner contest his dad and I got ourselves into.
Played with friends.  Ate popcorn.  Watched movies.
Read a couple fun books.  Heard of the Matched series?  I recommend them. 
{excuse my Levar Burton moment}
Listened to copious amounts of Christmas music.
Went for a bike ride just because it was 60 degrees out and it seemed wrong to stay indoors.
Wandered around downtown enjoying the hustle and bustle without doing much hustlin' or bustlin'
And that about covers it. 
Nutshell version.
Joy to the world.


  1. It all sounds perfect to me. Keep up the good vibes.

  2. good ol' reading rainbow!

    i miss you. i hope you're well. and gosh darnit, i need to get that email off to you so that I can get something back from you!

    1. yes you do! email me back already!! just kidding, I'll be patient. Miss you too Becky =)
