
ALT TAB: 38/52

I started my {blog} week out with a Vinyasa class that totally pushed me to my limit physically and gave me something to mull over.  The instructor started the session out by talking about making investments.  Not only investing energy into becoming stronger, but also in all areas of my life. It creates balance and allows for further capacity and more gratifying returns. This vein of thought stuck with me throughout the week.

   Friday night Bry and I had a picnic dinner and went to his friend's outdoor concert.  Ryan Shupe puts on a really great show and it was fun laying in the late summer night looking up at the stars. 

Saturday morning I rode my bike the 40 miles from his house to mine then curled up in bed for a nap to sleep the sleep of the dead.  Bry came and picked me up on his bike and I was happy to go for a ride that didn't require pedaling.

Tuesday evening I was his plus one at his photography convention's award ceremony where he cleaned house taking home 4 awards.  Way to go Bry!!

Thursday afternoon found me in my usual spot.  Same thing, different day, may sound repetitive in the wrong way.  But knowing Thursday means spending time with the Awesome's lights up my entire day.
And now it's Friday again.  How is it I never noticed until this year just how quickly time passes?

If you can fill the unforgiving minute
with sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it...
part of the poem If by Rudyard Kipling


  1. These photos are absolutely gorgeous. So relaxing and peaceful.

  2. It is your love of your Thursday nights with The Awesomes which show your true character. Bless you for it. And a total, huge kUDO to The Bry!
