
sippi falls and Mbale market place

Have you ever slept under mosquito netting?  If you haven't, I hope you'll have that experience some day.  I'd like to sleep under mosquito netting every night for the rest of my life.  It's like being in a cloud.  Maybe it wouldn't be quite as fun without the chorus of wacky sounding birds that started up early every morning outside my window making the experience truly unique.
Are you tired of reliving my latest trip with me yet?  It's only been two days worth of images and bits of stories, and believe me I'll try to keep it to a minimum and only share my top favorites and get back to regular life posts soon.
above: Sippi Falls
{See the 3 seperate falls staggering back from the center to the right upper corner?}
below:  Same vantage point looking the opposite direction.
Below is the market place in Mbale where my parents shop.  Really {really} great prices for fresh produce.  Even better, my parents have avocado, mango, banana and other trees in their yard so they are pretty set on fresh fruit.  I had sticker shock when I came home and wanted to load up on avocados after enjoying them fresh off the tree last week.
I love how busy life is in Africa.  There are people out and about everywhere.  Talking, laughing, smiling.  There is so much going on I know I was only  taking in a sliver of what was going on around me at any given moment.  The two images above, and the three below were all taken from the same spot where I stood while my mom took all of a minute to negotiate a price on a pineapple.


  1. I love these images. Feel like I am there. Thanks for all the color and life.

  2. These are wonderful pictures of a way of life!

  3. These images are so inspiring. I really want to travel and one day go on a missions trip. Lucky you to have had such a wonderful experience.

  4. Amazing! What a lush green it is.

  5. Of all the gorgeous and lush photos my favorite was the photo of Kris, Terry, and Ben.
