
not just any orange

well, actually I really do love any shade of orange.  My Grandma's favorite {re: fav-o-right}color was orange so it also comes wrapped in nostalgia.

But of course with fall my love for burnt and muted shades or orange are renewed.  I kid myself sometimes and think I'm over it at the end of the season, then sure enough come next fall I'm right back as big of a fan as ever.


  1. LOVE that dining room photo - thanks for sharing, and I completely agree. Orange is my fav-o-right color, too! Hope you'll stop by my blog when you have time! :) Maybe share a vignette or two on fridays! :) Take care, Artie

  2. Love, love, love the shoes. Wouldn't they be perfect with your wonderful legs and high kicking style. Oh to be young again and have orange, suede shoes.
