I woke up early this morning as has become Saturday tradition this summer and laid in bed wondering what to do with myself until it was time to go to work. Read this
on the porch? Bake something yummy? Ride up the canyon and enjoy the crisp air that travels down the mountain with the river and pools in pockets in the morning shade. Tempting, I even headed in that direction first. But decided instead to ride to the farmers market and find something for breakfast. I filled up my backpack with tomatoes, a very long seedless cucumber and a bag of peaches.
I loved seeing these girls wrapped up in blankets in their family's stall. Neither of them seemed very awake. Bet they've been there every Saturday this summer doing the same thing? It reminded me of the early mornings I'd wrap up in my blanket to ride along when my brother had a paper route.
A bike propelled piano. Why not?
Happy Saturday friends.
Looks like a beautiful morning to me.