
sorting ideas

I knew I was getting ahead of myself when I stopped in quickly to check out some accessory possibilities for the laundry room I mentioned in my last post. Of course I found all the perfect things and had to resist loading my trunk full of treasures and taking them home to wait for their glory day. {self control comes along when I least expect it, best to grab at it when I can}

Wouldn't this be the quirkiest lamp for a laundry room? I love it!

you can't hear me, but I just sighed the biggest sigh ever. The search for the perfect dress has gone on for months. {and months.} High and low for something colorful, not too casual, not too fancy, just pretty. And this was it. Yes, I said was. It arrived, I hung it up lovingly and made plans for the way we would go out together and have wonderful times wherever we went. I won't go into the why of how it got to be that our days were cut short together. It was just not meant to be, but I will hold all future dresses up to this dress. {'why ask why?' as my brilliant big brother would say.}

This one really doesn't fit into my stream of thought at all right now, but I took it a couple weeks ago one lovely night spent on the slopes after a giant snow storm. I was pried away from 'that portfolio of yours' and was so glad for the respite.


  1. love the lamp shade love the green dress

  2. You CANNOT part with that dress. It is too far beyond perfect for you.

  3. I could never pull off that color green but you look great in it. A fancy laundry room is one of those luxuries, like a nice sewing room or art studio. We all dream about it, but few of us ever get one.

  4. Emerald green is one of your colors. Woo, woo!

    I could sooo make a measuring tape lamp for you. One tape, one lamp kit, one inexpensive shade and you are ready to go, minus the huge price tag.

  5. you are so hired Vicky! Why don't you deliver it personally so I can thank the talented lamp maker and play a few friendly rounds of rummicube in the mix?

  6. Love the dress! It's an amazing color.
